2016 new zealand digital summit

The 2016 New Zealand Digital Summit was a conference held in Auckland, New Zealand on November 17-18, 2016. The event brought together industry leaders, innovators, and experts to discuss the latest trends and innovations in the digital landscape.

The summit featured a range of keynote speakers, panel discussions, and workshops, covering topics such as:

  1. Digital Transformation: How businesses can leverage digital technologies to drive innovation and growth.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: The latest developments and applications of AI, including machine learning and natural language processing.
  3. Cybersecurity: Strategies for protecting against cyber threats and ensuring the security of digital assets.
  4. Data Analytics: How to extract insights and value from large datasets, and the role of data analytics in business decision-making.
  5. Digital Marketing: The latest trends and best practices in digital marketing, including social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization.
  6. E-commerce: The future of online shopping, including the rise of mobile commerce and the importance of user experience.
  7. Internet of Things (IoT): The potential of IoT to transform industries and improve lives, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.
  8. Virtual and Augmented Reality: The latest developments and applications of VR and AR, including gaming, education, and healthcare.

Some of the notable speakers at the summit included:

  1. Dr. Mark Skilton, Professor of Practice in Information Systems at Warwick Business School, who spoke on the topic of "Digital Transformation: How to Survive and Thrive in the Digital Age".
  2. Dr. Ian Foster, Director of the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago, who spoke on the topic of "Artificial Intelligence: The Next Frontier in Computing".
  3. Dr. Lisa Nathan, Director of the Centre for Digital Transformation at the University of Auckland, who spoke on the topic of "Digital Transformation: A Framework for Success".
  4. Dr. David R. Chismon, Director of the Centre for Cyber Security at the University of Auckland, who spoke on the topic of "Cybersecurity: The Human Factor".

The summit also featured a range of exhibitors and sponsors, showcasing the latest digital technologies and innovations from around the world.

Overall, the 2016 New Zealand Digital Summit was a valuable event for anyone interested in the latest developments and innovations in the digital landscape, and provided a platform for networking and collaboration among industry professionals.