200a circuit breaker abb price

The price of a 200A circuit breaker from ABB (Asea Brown Boveri) can vary depending on several factors such as the type, model, and features of the breaker, as well as the region and supplier.

Here are some approximate price ranges for new ABB 200A circuit breakers:

Please note that these prices are approximate and can vary depending on the specific product, brand, and supplier. It's also important to consider the cost of installation, wiring, and any additional components required for the circuit breaker to function properly.

It's recommended to check with authorized ABB distributors, electrical supply stores, or online retailers for the latest pricing and availability. Additionally, you may want to consider purchasing a used or refurbished circuit breaker, which can be a more cost-effective option. However, be sure to verify the condition and functionality of the breaker before making a purchase.