20 new words and their meaning

Here are 20 new words with their meanings:

  1. Perspicacious (adjective): Having a keen understanding and insight; able to notice and understand things that are not immediately apparent.

Example: "She was a perspicacious observer of human behavior and was able to pick up on subtle cues."

  1. Ennui (noun): A feeling of listlessness and boredom; a lack of interest or excitement.

Example: "After a few months of doing the same job, he started to feel ennui and was looking for a change."

  1. Fastidious (adjective): Meticulous and demanding in one's standards; having a strong attention to detail.

Example: "She was a fastidious editor and made sure that every detail was perfect before publishing the article."

  1. Garrulous (adjective): Talkative and loquacious; fond of talking and sharing one's thoughts and opinions.

Example: "He was a garrulous person and loved to talk about his favorite sports team."

  1. Heterogeneous (adjective): Composed of different kinds of things; diverse and varied.

Example: "The city was a heterogeneous mix of cultures, with people from all over the world living together."

  1. Inscrutable (adjective): Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious and unclear.

Example: "The ancient hieroglyphics were inscrutable to most people, but the expert was able to decipher their meaning."

  1. Jocular (adjective): Good-natured and playful; joking and teasing.

Example: "He was a jocular person and loved to make his friends laugh with his silly jokes."

  1. Kibosh (noun): A stop or a halt; a sudden end to something.

Example: "The coach put the kibosh on the team's plans to try out a new strategy."

  1. Lassitude (noun): A feeling of weariness and lack of energy; a state of being tired and sluggish.

Example: "After a long illness, she felt a sense of lassitude and needed to take it easy for a while."

  1. Mellifluous (adjective): Having a smooth and rich sound; pleasant and harmonious.

Example: "The singer's mellifluous voice was a joy to listen to."

  1. Nebulous (adjective): Unclear or vague; lacking definition or clarity.

Example: "The company's plans for the future were nebulous, and it was hard to know what to expect."

  1. Obfuscate (verb): To make something unclear or difficult to understand; to confuse or obscure.

Example: "The politician's speech was designed to obfuscate the real issues and confuse the audience."

  1. Pellucid (adjective): Clear and transparent; easy to understand or see through.

Example: "The scientist's explanation was pellucid, and everyone in the room understood the concept."

  1. Quixotic (adjective): Foolishly romantic or idealistic; impractical and unrealistic.

Example: "He was a quixotic dreamer who always chased after impossible goals."

  1. Reclusive (adjective): Preferring to be alone and avoiding social contact; isolated and withdrawn.

Example: "The reclusive author rarely left his house and preferred to communicate through email."

  1. Sagacious (adjective): Having keen discernment and good judgment; wise and perceptive.

Example: "The sagacious investor made a fortune by making smart and informed decisions."

  1. Tintinnabulation (noun): A ringing or tinkling sound, especially of a bell.

Example: "The tintinnabulation of the church bells filled the air on Sunday morning."

  1. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present everywhere at the same time; widespread and common.

Example: "Smartphones are ubiquitous in modern society, and it's hard to find someone without one."

  1. Vigilant (adjective): Watchful and attentive; careful and alert.

Example: "The security guard was vigilant and noticed the suspicious person lurking around the building."

  1. Wistful (adjective): Feeling a sense of longing or nostalgia; having a melancholy or sentimental air.

Example: "She was a wistful person who often looked back on her childhood with fond memories."

I hope you find these words and their meanings helpful!