2 international news

Here are two international news stories:

Story 1:

UK and EU Reach Post-Brexit Trade Deal

The United Kingdom and the European Union have reached a post-Brexit trade deal, ending months of negotiations. The agreement, which was announced on Christmas Eve, will allow for tariff-free trade between the two sides and maintain cooperation on issues such as security and law enforcement. The deal still needs to be ratified by the UK and EU parliaments, but it is expected to come into effect on January 1, 2021. The agreement is seen as a major breakthrough in the UK's transition out of the EU, which began in January 2020.

Story 2:

Iran and World Powers Reach Nuclear Deal

Iran and the world's major powers have reached a deal aimed at preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons. The agreement, which was announced on Tuesday, will see Iran limit its nuclear program in exchange for relief from economic sanctions. The deal was reached after months of negotiations between Iran and the United States, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the United Kingdom. Under the agreement, Iran will reduce its stockpile of enriched uranium and limit its ability to produce plutonium, while the international community will provide Iran with relief from economic sanctions. The deal is seen as a major breakthrough in efforts to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons.