1samuel 2 new living bible translation

Here is 1 Samuel 2 in the New Living Translation (NLT):

1 Samuel 2

Hannah's Prayer

1 One day Hannah prayed and said: "Oh, Lord, you don't want to ignore me forever! I've been praying for a child, and I haven't stopped crying. 2 I've been praying for this day to come, and I've been waiting patiently. 3 Don't forget your servant! You gave me a promise, Lord. You said to me, 'You will have a son, and you will love him.' 4 And now, Lord, you can see that I'm not asking for myself. I'm asking for the son you gave me. 5 Don't give him up to the cruel whims of those who despise him. 6 May he be as fierce as a lion and as strong as a wild ox. May he be able to scatter those who attack him and conquer them. 7 May he be as wise as a warrior, and may he lead your people to victory. 8 When the Israelites see him, they will rejoice. They will be glad when they come to his gates. 9 I will praise you, Lord, because you haven't forgotten your servant. You have given me a son, and you have given me a promise. 10 You have given me a son, and now you have given me a promise. 11 And now, Lord, I will dedicate this child to you. He will be dedicated to you for all his days. 12 No razor will ever be used on his head, because he will be dedicated to you. 13 And his life will be dedicated to you, Lord, from his childhood to his old age. He will be dedicated to you, and he will be a part of your work.

The Priest Eli's Response

14 Then Hannah prayed and said: "May your servant find favor with you, Lord. May you give me a son, and may he be dedicated to you. 15 You have given me great joy, Lord, and you have given me a son. 16 And now, Lord, I will dedicate him to you. He will be dedicated to you for all his days. 17 And he will be a part of your work, and he will be a priest before you. He will wear the ephod, and he will bring you sacrifices. 18 And his father and mother will be glad, and they will rejoice. They will celebrate because you have given them a son. 19 And when the child is old enough, he will wear the ephod and minister before you. He will bring you sacrifices and offer them to you. 20 And he will be a part of your work, and he will be a priest before you. He will wear the ephod, and he will bring you sacrifices.

The Birth of Samuel

21 And Hannah was faithful to her promise, and she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, which means "heard by God," because she had prayed for him. 22 And the Lord answered her prayers and gave her a son. 23 And she dedicated him to the Lord for all his days. 24 And Hannah prayed and said: "Now, Lord, I will give you back the child I promised you. 25 You have given me this child, and now I will dedicate him to you. 26 And he will be dedicated to you for all his days. 27 And he will be a part of your work, and he will be a priest before you. He will wear the ephod, and he will bring you sacrifices. 28 And the Lord blessed Hannah and gave her many children.

The Death of Eli's Wives

29 And the sons of Eli were wicked men, and they did not know the Lord. 30 And the Lord said to Eli, "I have seen the wickedness of your sons. They have not respected my sacred offerings, and they have not obeyed my laws. 31 And now, I will punish Eli and his family forever, because they have not respected me. 32 And I will remember forever the wickedness of Eli's sons, because they did not know the Lord. 33 And I will punish them for their sins, and I will punish their descendants forever."

The Lord's Promise to Samuel

34 And the Lord said to Hannah, "I will give you four more children, and they will be dedicated to me. 35 And I will give you a home, and you will be at peace. You will not be troubled, and you will not be afraid. 36 And you will know that I am the Lord, who is doing these wonderful things for you. 37 And I will give you a home, and you will be at peace. You will not be troubled, and you will not be afraid. 38 And you will know that I am the Lord, who is doing these wonderful things for you. 39 And I will give you a home, and you will be at peace. You will not be troubled, and you will not be afraid. 40 And you will know that I am the Lord, who is doing these wonderful things for you."