1bn eca fund apc pdp clash

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or development in Nigeria. Here's a breakdown of what I understand:

1bn ECA Fund: The Excess Crude Account (ECA) is a savings account managed by the Nigerian government to store excess crude oil revenue. The 1bn ECA fund refers to a specific amount of money allocated from the ECA for a particular purpose.

APC and PDP: APC stands for All Progressives Congress, while PDP stands for People's Democratic Party. These are two major political parties in Nigeria.

Clash: A clash refers to a disagreement, conflict, or confrontation between two or more parties.

Based on my understanding, it appears that there was a disagreement or conflict between the APC and PDP parties regarding the allocation of the 1bn ECA fund. This could be related to the parties' differing political ideologies, interests, or priorities.

If you'd like more information or context about this specific issue, please let me know and I'll do my best to provide more details!