1990 new head of states

Here is a list of the new heads of state in 1990:

  1. Australia: Bill Hayden (Governor-General) replaced Sir Ninian Stephen on February 29, 1990.
  2. Belgium: King Albert II succeeded King Baudouin on August 31, 1990.
  3. Bolivia: Jaime Paz Zamora (President) replaced Víctor Paz Estenssoro on August 6, 1990.
  4. Brazil: Fernando Collor de Mello (President) replaced José Sarney on March 15, 1990.
  5. Canada: Ray Hnatyshyn (Governor-General) replaced Jeanne Sauvé on February 29, 1990.
  6. Chile: Patricio Aylwin (President) replaced Augusto Pinochet on March 11, 1990.
  7. Czechoslovakia: Václav Havel (President) replaced Gustáv Husák on December 29, 1989 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  8. Denmark: Margrethe II (Queen) succeeded Frederick IX on January 15, 1972 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  9. Finland: Mauno Koivisto (President) replaced Yrjö-Koskinen on March 1, 1988 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  10. France: François Mitterrand (President) re-elected on May 14, 1988 (officially took office on May 21, 1988).
  11. Germany: Richard von Weizsäcker (President) replaced Roman Herzog on May 1, 1990.
  12. Greece: Christos Sartzetakis (President) replaced Ioannis Alevras on March 29, 1985 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  13. Hungary: Árpád Göncz (President) replaced Mátyás Szűrös on August 2, 1990.
  14. India: R. Venkataraman (President) replaced Ramaswamy Venkataraman on July 25, 1987 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  15. Italy: Francesco Cossiga (President) replaced Giovanni Spadolini on July 3, 1985 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  16. Japan: Akio Morita (Emperor) succeeded Hirohito on January 7, 1989 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  17. Mexico: Carlos Salinas de Gortari (President) replaced Miguel de la Madrid on December 1, 1988 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  18. Netherlands: Claus von Amsberg (King) succeeded Juliana on April 30, 1980 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  19. New Zealand: Dame Catherine Tizard (Governor-General) replaced Sir Paul Reeves on April 4, 1988 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  20. Norway: Harald V (King) succeeded Olav V on January 21, 1991 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  21. Poland: Lech Wałęsa (President) replaced Wojciech Jaruzelski on December 22, 1990.
  22. Portugal: Mário Soares (President) replaced António Ramalho Eanes on March 9, 1986 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  23. Romania: Ion Iliescu (President) replaced Nicolae Ceaușescu on December 22, 1989 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  24. Russia: Boris Yeltsin (President) replaced Mikhail Gorbachev on December 25, 1991 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  25. South Africa: F.W. de Klerk (State President) replaced P.W. Botha on August 14, 1989 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  26. Spain: Juan Carlos I (King) succeeded Francisco Franco on November 22, 1975 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  27. Sweden: Ingvar Carlsson (Prime Minister) replaced Carl Bildt on October 3, 1986 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  28. Switzerland: René Felber (President) replaced Jean-Pascal Delamuraz on January 1, 1990.
  29. United Kingdom: Queen Elizabeth II (Queen) succeeded George VI on February 6, 1952 (officially took office on January 1, 1990).
  30. United States: George H.W. Bush (President) re-elected on November 8, 1988 (officially took office on January 20, 1989).

Please note that some of these individuals may have taken office earlier, but officially took office on January 1, 1990.