1984 book new cover

A new cover for a classic!

Here are a few design concepts for a new cover of George Orwell's "1984":

Concept 1: Minimalist

A simple, bold design featuring the iconic Big Brother eye in a red circle, symbolizing the all-seeing, all-knowing surveillance state. The title and author name are displayed in a clean, sans-serif font.

Concept 2: Dystopian Cityscape

A haunting illustration of a desolate, post-apocalyptic cityscape, with crumbling buildings, smoke-filled skies, and a giant screen displaying the face of Big Brother. The title and author name are emblazoned across the top of the cover in a distressed, graffiti-inspired font.

Concept 3: Surveillance State

A design that incorporates elements of surveillance and control, featuring a grid of screens displaying the faces of citizens, with Big Brother's eye watching from the center. The title and author name are displayed in a futuristic, neon-lit font.

Concept 4: Rebellion

A bold, graphic design featuring a silhouette of Winston Smith, the protagonist, holding a pen and paper, symbolizing the act of rebellion against the totalitarian regime. The title and author name are displayed in a strong, sans-serif font.

Concept 5: Retro-Futurism

A design that pays homage to the book's 1949 publication date, featuring a retro-futuristic illustration of a cityscape with flying cars, robots, and a giant screen displaying the face of Big Brother. The title and author name are displayed in a vintage-inspired font.

Which one do you like the most?