194 winthrop ave new york elmsford 10523

A specific address!

According to online directories and mapping services, here's what I found:

Address: 194 Winthrop Ave, Elmsford, NY 10523

Location: This address is located in Elmsford, a village in Westchester County, New York, United States.

Neighborhood: The address appears to be in a residential area, likely a single-family home or a small apartment building.

Nearby landmarks: The closest major highway is the Saw Mill River Parkway (US-9), which is about 1 mile north of the address. The nearest commercial areas are along Central Avenue (US-9) and Main Street in Elmsford.

Public transportation: The closest public transportation options are bus routes operated by Bee-Line Bus System, which connect Elmsford to nearby cities like White Plains, Yonkers, and New York City.

Please note that this information is subject to change and might not reflect the current situation. If you're planning to visit or have a specific purpose for this address, I recommend verifying the information with a reliable source or contacting the relevant authorities.