1916 sporting news babe ruth

A great find!

The 1916 Sporting News Babe Ruth issue is a rare and highly sought-after collectible among baseball enthusiasts and historians. Here's a brief overview:

The Issue: The Sporting News, a weekly newspaper that covered sports news, published a special edition on July 27, 1916, featuring Babe Ruth on the cover. This issue is considered one of the most valuable and iconic baseball collectibles.

The Cover: The cover art features a drawing of Babe Ruth in his Boston Red Sox uniform, with a bold headline reading "Babe Ruth, the Big League's Greatest Slugger." The illustration is attributed to artist R.E. Palmer.

The Article: The article inside the issue is a profile of Ruth, written by Sporting News editor, J.G. Taylor Spink. The piece highlights Ruth's impressive statistics, including his 23 home runs and 72 RBIs at the time, as well as his larger-than-life personality.

Rarity: The 1916 Sporting News Babe Ruth issue is extremely rare, with only a few hundred copies known to exist. The condition of the issue is often poor due to its age and the fact that many copies were discarded or lost over the years.

Value: The value of this issue varies greatly depending on its condition, rarity, and provenance. In near-mint condition, a copy of this issue can fetch upwards of $100,000 to $200,000 at auction. Even in poor condition, the issue can still sell for several thousand dollars.

Collectibility: The 1916 Sporting News Babe Ruth issue is considered one of the most valuable and coveted baseball collectibles, sought after by collectors, museums, and institutions. It's a must-have for any serious baseball enthusiast or collector of rare and historic sports memorabilia.

If you're lucky enough to own a copy of this issue, consider yourself a true baseball aficionado!