18 nov 2016 breaking news

November 18th, 2016 was a Friday. Here are some of the top breaking news stories from that day:

  1. Election Day Aftermath: The 2016 United States presidential election was still making headlines as the country was trying to come to terms with the outcome. Donald Trump had been declared the winner, but Hillary Clinton had not yet conceded.
  2. Trump's Transition Team: Trump announced his transition team, which included several high-profile Republicans, including Mike Pence as his running mate.
  3. Russia's Election Interference: The Washington Post reported that the CIA had concluded that Russia had intervened in the election to help Trump win, a claim that was later confirmed by other intelligence agencies.
  4. FBI Director James Comey: Comey testified before the House Intelligence Committee, saying that the FBI was investigating Russian interference in the election, but that there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
  5. Turkey's Military Coup Attempt: A military coup attempt in Turkey had been foiled, and the country's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, had been restored to power.
  6. North Korea's Nuclear Test: North Korea had conducted its fifth nuclear test, which was widely condemned by the international community.
  7. Stock Market Volatility: The stock market was experiencing high levels of volatility, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average falling over 800 points in the days following the election.
  8. Protests and Demonstrations: Protests and demonstrations were taking place across the United States, with many people expressing their opposition to Trump's presidency and the outcome of the election.

These were just a few of the top breaking news stories from November 18th, 2016.