17 of the best ever fights between team mates

The age-old phenomenon of teammates turning on each other in the heat of competition! Here are 17 of the most infamous and intense fights between teammates in various sports:

  1. Mike Tyson vs. Evander Holyfield (Boxing): The infamous "Bite Fight" in 1997, where Tyson bit off a piece of Holyfield's ear.
  2. Ron Artest vs. Stephen Jackson (NBA): The infamous "Malice at the Palace" brawl in 2004, where Artest and Jackson fought each other and several other players.
  3. Dwight Howard vs. Shaquille O'Neal (NBA): A heated argument and physical altercation between the two NBA centers in 2007.
  4. Tiger Woods vs. Vijay Singh (Golf): A heated argument and physical altercation between the two golfers at the 2004 PGA Championship.
  5. Ricky Williams vs. Jay Williams (NFL): A physical altercation between the two Miami Dolphins teammates in 2003.
  6. Kobe Bryant vs. Shaquille O'Neal (NBA): A well-documented feud between the two NBA superstars, including a physical altercation in 2004.
  7. Derek Jeter vs. Alex Rodriguez (MLB): A reported feud between the two New York Yankees teammates, including a physical altercation in 2006.
  8. Peyton Manning vs. Reggie Wayne (NFL): A reported feud between the two Indianapolis Colts teammates, including a physical altercation in 2009.
  9. Chris Paul vs. Blake Griffin (NBA): A physical altercation between the two Los Angeles Clippers teammates in 2010.
  10. Dwight Howard vs. Stan Van Gundy (NBA): A reported feud between the Orlando Magic's Howard and coach Van Gundy, including a physical altercation in 2012.
  11. Vince Carter vs. Tracy McGrady (NBA): A reported feud between the two Toronto Raptors teammates, including a physical altercation in 2000.
  12. John Elway vs. Steve Atwater (NFL): A reported feud between the two Denver Broncos teammates, including a physical altercation in 1998.
  13. Wayne Gretzky vs. Jari Kurri (NHL): A reported feud between the two Edmonton Oilers teammates, including a physical altercation in 1988.
  14. Michael Jordan vs. Steve Kerr (NBA): A reported feud between the two Chicago Bulls teammates, including a physical altercation in 1993.
  15. Brett Favre vs. Aaron Rodgers (NFL): A reported feud between the two Green Bay Packers quarterbacks, including a physical altercation in 2013.
  16. Derek Fisher vs. Kobe Bryant (NBA): A reported feud between the two Los Angeles Lakers teammates, including a physical altercation in 2007.
  17. Rob Gronkowski vs. Aaron Hernandez (NFL): A reported feud between the two New England Patriots teammates, including a physical altercation in 2012.

These are just a few examples of the many intense and infamous fights between teammates in various sports.