16963 new rochelle way
It looks like you're interested in learning more about the address "16963 New Rochelle Way". Here's what I found:
Location: The address "16963 New Rochelle Way" is located in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Neighborhood: The exact neighborhood or zip code for this address is not publicly available due to privacy concerns. However, I can suggest some nearby neighborhoods or zip codes:
- Summerlin South
- Rhodes Ranch
- Mountains Edge
- 89135, 89145, or 89148 (zip codes)
Property Information: Unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific information about the property at this address, such as its type (residential, commercial, etc.), size, or ownership. This information is typically private and not publicly available.
Other Information: If you're looking for more information about the area, here are a few things you might find useful:
- The address is located near the intersection of New Rochelle Way and Alta Drive.
- The nearest major highway is Interstate 215 (I-215).
- The nearest public transportation options are the Las Vegas Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) bus routes 206 and 207.
- The area has a mix of residential and commercial properties, with nearby amenities like parks, schools, and shopping centers.
If you have any specific questions or would like more information about the area, feel free to ask!