166 w.129th street new york ny 10027
A specific address!
According to Google Maps, 166 W 129th Street, New York, NY 10027 is located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan, New York City.
Here are some nearby landmarks and points of interest:
- Columbia University (0.4 miles, 8-minute walk)
- Morningside Park (0.5 miles, 10-minute walk)
- Harlem (0.6 miles, 12-minute walk)
- 125th Street (0.7 miles, 14-minute walk)
- Apollo Theater (0.8 miles, 16-minute walk)
Please note that this information is subject to change, and it's always a good idea to double-check with a reliable source, such as Google Maps or a mapping app, for the most up-to-date information.