157m nude painting at new york auction

You're referring to the highly anticipated auction of a rare and valuable nude painting by French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec at a New York auction house!

The painting, titled "La femme au chat" (Woman with a Cat), is estimated to fetch between $150 million to $200 million at the Christie's auction house in New York. The painting is one of only a few nude works by Toulouse-Lautrec, and its rarity and beauty are expected to drive up the bidding.

Here are some interesting facts about the painting:

  1. Rarity: "La femme au chat" is one of only a handful of nude paintings by Toulouse-Lautrec, making it a highly sought-after piece among art collectors and enthusiasts.
  2. Provenance: The painting has an impressive provenance, having been owned by several prominent art collectors and institutions over the years, including the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York.
  3. Condition: The painting is in excellent condition, with its original frame and canvas intact. Its vibrant colors and delicate brushstrokes are expected to be a major draw for bidders.
  4. Estimated value: The estimated value of the painting is between $150 million to $200 million, making it one of the most valuable artworks to be sold at auction in recent years.
  5. Auction history: Christie's has a strong track record of selling high-profile artworks at auction, including works by artists like Picasso, Warhol, and Monet.

The auction is expected to be highly competitive, with collectors, museums, and art enthusiasts from around the world vying for the chance to own this rare and beautiful piece of art.