15 ituku street new haven

It seems like you're trying to find information about a specific location. "15 Ituku Street, New Haven" appears to be an address.

Here are a few things I can help you with:

  1. Location: New Haven is a city located in the state of Connecticut, United States. Ituku Street is likely a residential street within the city.
  2. Map: If you'd like to see the exact location of 15 Ituku Street, New Haven, I can provide you with a map link. Please let me know!
  3. Information: If you're looking for information about the property, such as its owner, value, or nearby amenities, I can try to help you find that information. However, please note that some of this information might be private or require specific permissions to access.

What would you like to know about 15 Ituku Street, New Haven?