14 year old boy campaigns to run for vermont governor

What an inspiring story!

In 2018, 14-year-old Ethan Sonneborn from Burlington, Vermont, made headlines by announcing his candidacy for Governor of Vermont. Yes, you read that right - a 14-year-old boy was running for governor!

Ethan, a freshman at Burlington High School, was motivated by his passion for politics and his desire to make a difference in his community. He had been involved in local politics since he was 10 years old, attending city council meetings and participating in advocacy groups.

Despite being the youngest candidate in Vermont's history, Ethan's campaign gained significant attention and support. He ran on a platform focused on issues affecting young people, such as affordable healthcare, education, and environmental protection.

Ethan's campaign was not without its challenges, of course. He faced skepticism from some voters who questioned his age and experience, and he had to navigate the complexities of running a political campaign as a minor.

However, Ethan's determination and enthusiasm won over many hearts. He received endorsements from local organizations and individuals, including the Vermont Progressive Party, and even raised over $10,000 in campaign funds.

Although Ethan ultimately lost the election to incumbent Governor Phil Scott, his campaign was seen as a positive development for Vermont politics. It sparked conversations about the importance of youth involvement in politics and the need for more diverse perspectives in government.

Ethan's story serves as a reminder that age is just a number, and that young people can make a significant impact when given the opportunity. Who knows? Maybe one day, we'll see a 14-year-old governor in Vermont or beyond!