14 day tour of new zealand

New Zealand! A stunning country with a diverse range of landscapes, cultures, and activities. Here's a suggested 14-day itinerary for your trip:

Day 1: Arrival in Auckland

Day 2: Auckland to Bay of Islands

Day 3: Bay of Islands

Day 4: Bay of Islands to Rotorua

Day 5: Rotorua

Day 6: Rotorua to Tongariro National Park

Day 7: Tongariro National Park

Day 8: Tongariro National Park to Wellington

Day 9: Wellington

Day 10: Wellington to Queenstown

Day 11: Queenstown

Day 12: Queenstown

Day 13: Queenstown

Day 14: Departure from Queenstown

This itinerary provides a great balance of culture, adventure, and natural beauty, and is a great starting point for your trip to New Zealand. However, feel free to customize it to suit your interests and preferences!