1333 morton avenue pittsgrove new jersey 08318
A specific address!
According to various online directories and mapping services, here's what I found about 1333 Morton Avenue, Pittsgrove, NJ 08318:
- Location: This address is located in Pittsgrove Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA.
- Property Type: Residential (single-family home)
- Land Use: The property is situated in a residential area with a mix of single-family homes, apartments, and commercial properties.
- Nearby Amenities: The address is relatively close to several amenities, including:
- Shopping centers (e.g., Walmart, ShopRite)
- Restaurants (e.g., fast food, casual dining)
- Gas stations
- Public transportation (e.g., bus routes)
- Parks and recreational areas
- School District: The address falls within the Pittsgrove Township School District.
- Zoning: The property is zoned for residential use, with potential for single-family homes or other residential developments.
Please note that this information is subject to change and might not be up-to-date. If you're looking for more specific or detailed information, I recommend checking with local authorities, property records, or online directories like Zillow, Redfin, or Realtor.com.