132kv abb ltb circuit breaker wiring diagram

A very specific request!

Here is a wiring diagram for a 132kV ABB LTB (Low-Tension Breaker) circuit breaker:

Note: This diagram is for informational purposes only and should not be used for actual installation or maintenance without proper training and expertise.


Wiring Diagram:

The following diagram shows the wiring connections for a 132kV ABB LTB circuit breaker:

          |  132kV Bus  |
                  |  (Primary)
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Transformer  |       |  Transformer  |
|  (132kV/11kV)  |       |  (132kV/11kV)  |
+---------------+       +---------------+
                  |                  |
                  |  (Secondary)    |
                  v                  v
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  11kV Bus    |       |  11kV Bus    |
|  (11kV/0.4kV) |       |  (11kV/0.4kV) |
+---------------+       +---------------+
                  |                  |
                  |  (Tertiary)    |
                  v                  v
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  0.4kV Bus  |       |  0.4kV Bus  |
|  (0.4kV/230V) |       |  (0.4kV/230V) |
+---------------+       +---------------+
                  |                  |
                  |  (Load)       |
                  v                  v
+---------------+       +---------------+
|  Load        |       |  Load        |
|  (230V/50Hz) |       |  (230V/50Hz) |
+---------------+       +---------------+


Important Notes: