1307 new york avenue northwest washington dc

A specific address!

1307 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC is a notable address in the nation's capital. Here are a few things you might find interesting about this location:

  1. The National Geographic Society: The address is home to the National Geographic Society's headquarters. The society was founded in 1888 and is known for its educational and scientific endeavors, including its iconic magazine and documentary films.
  2. Historic building: The building itself is a historic landmark, designed in the Beaux-Arts style and constructed in 1926. It features a striking granite and limestone exterior, with a grand entrance and ornate details.
  3. Accessibility: The address is conveniently located in downtown Washington, D.C., within walking distance of many major landmarks, including the White House, the National Mall, and the Smithsonian museums.
  4. Public transportation: The address is also served by several public transportation options, including the Metrorail (McPherson Square station) and multiple bus lines.

If you're planning a visit to the National Geographic Society or simply want to explore the surrounding area, 1307 New York Avenue NW is a great place to start!