13 may 1991 nigerian news

Here are some of the top news stories from Nigeria on May 13, 1991:


  1. Military Coup Attempt Foiled: A group of soldiers attempted to stage a coup against the government of General Ibrahim Babangida, but the plot was discovered and foiled by the military authorities.
  2. Economic Crisis Deepens: The economic crisis in Nigeria continued to worsen, with the country's foreign exchange reserves dwindling and inflation soaring. The government was forced to impose austerity measures to try and stabilize the economy.
  3. Nigeria's Debt Burden: The country's debt burden was estimated to be over $30 billion, with the majority of it owed to foreign creditors. The government was struggling to service the debt, which was putting a strain on the economy.
  4. Biafra War Anniversary: May 13 marked the 25th anniversary of the end of the Biafran War, which was fought between the Nigerian government and the secessionist state of Biafra from 1967 to 1970. The war resulted in the deaths of millions of people and left deep scars on the country.
  5. Nigerian Football Team Qualifies for World Cup: The Nigerian national football team, the Super Eagles, qualified for the 1994 World Cup in the United States after defeating Tunisia 2-0 in a qualifying match.

Other News:

These are just a few of the news stories that were reported in Nigeria on May 13, 1991.