12 new york time

You're referring to the New York Times!

Here are 12 interesting articles from the New York Times:

  1. "The Pandemic's Unseen Toll: A Year of Isolation and Loneliness" (March 2021) - An in-depth look at the mental health crisis caused by the pandemic.
  2. "The Rise of the 'Zoom Towns': How Remote Work Is Reshaping America" (February 2021) - An exploration of how the shift to remote work is changing the way we live and work.
  3. "The Climate Crisis Is a Global Health Emergency, Experts Warn" (September 2020) - A report on the alarming consequences of climate change on human health.
  4. "The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story for the United States" (August 2019) - A groundbreaking series that reexamines the history of slavery and its ongoing impact on American society.
  5. "The Opioid Epidemic: A Crisis of Addiction and Overdose" (June 2017) - A comprehensive report on the devastating effects of the opioid crisis.
  6. "The Trump Presidency: A Timeline of Key Events" (January 2021) - A detailed chronology of the major events of Donald Trump's presidency.
  7. "The COVID-19 Vaccine: A Global Effort to Combat the Pandemic" (December 2020) - An update on the development and distribution of vaccines to combat the pandemic.
  8. "The Black Lives Matter Movement: A Year of Protests and Progress" (June 2020) - A report on the ongoing struggle for racial justice and equality.
  9. "The 2020 Election: A Divided Nation Votes" (November 2020) - A comprehensive analysis of the 2020 presidential election.
  10. "The Climate Strike: A Global Movement for Action on Climate Change" (September 2019) - A report on the massive protests demanding immediate action on climate change.
  11. "The MeToo Movement: A Year of Accountability and Change" (January 2018) - A look at the impact of the MeToo movement on the fight against sexual harassment and assault.
  12. "The COVID-19 Pandemic: A Year of Uncertainty and Resilience" (March 2021) - A reflection on the past year of the pandemic and the lessons learned.

These articles represent just a small sample of the New York Times' extensive coverage of global news, politics, and culture.