11426 hotmail.com gmail.com new york live.com or msn.com gmail.com

It looks like you've provided a list of email addresses and domains. Here's a breakdown of what I see:

  1. hotmail.com - This is an older email service provider that was acquired by Microsoft in 1997.
  2. gmail.com - This is a popular email service provided by Google.
  3. new york - This is not an email address or domain, but rather a city name.
  4. live.com - This is an email service provided by Microsoft, which was previously known as Hotmail.
  5. msn.com - This is a domain that was previously used by Microsoft for its online services, including email.
  6. gmail.com (again) - This is another instance of the Gmail domain.

It's worth noting that some of these domains may be associated with specific email addresses, but without more information, it's difficult to determine the exact email addresses or users associated with each domain.