112 mews ln newport news va 23608
A specific address!
According to various online directories and mapping services, here's what I found:
- Address: 112 Mews Ln, Newport News, VA 23608
- Location: This address is located in the city of Newport News, Virginia, in the United States.
- Neighborhood: The address appears to be situated in a residential area, likely a single-family home neighborhood.
- Nearby landmarks: The closest landmark is likely to be the nearby intersection of Mews Lane and Warwick Boulevard (US-60).
- Distance to nearby cities: Newport News is approximately 10 miles from Williamsburg, VA, and about 20 miles from Hampton, VA.
- Public transportation: The address is accessible by public transportation, with the nearest bus stop being the Warwick Boulevard and Mews Lane stop, served by the Hampton Roads Transit (HRT) bus system.
Please note that this information is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. If you're looking for more specific information or need assistance with directions, I recommend using a mapping service like Google Maps or Waze for the most accurate and current information.