1113 state route 94 new windsor ny 12553
A specific address!
According to online directories and mapping services, here's what I found:
Address: 1113 State Route 94, New Windsor, NY 12553
Location: This address is located in the town of New Windsor, which is in Orange County, New York.
Landmarks and Nearby Points of Interest:
- The address is situated near the intersection of State Route 94 and Route 207.
- It's approximately 5 miles north of the city of Newburgh and 10 miles south of the city of Middletown.
- The nearby attractions include the Hudson Valley Mall, the Orange County Farmers' Museum, and the Stewart State Forest.
Businesses and Services:
- According to online directories, there are no specific businesses or services listed at this exact address. However, the surrounding area has a mix of residential, commercial, and industrial properties.
Additional Information:
- The address is located in a rural area with a mix of single-family homes, farms, and commercial properties.
- The area is served by the New Windsor Central School District and the Orange County Department of Public Works.
Please note that this information is subject to change and may not be up-to-date. If you're looking for more specific information or want to verify the accuracy of this data, I recommend contacting local authorities, businesses, or services directly.