11 high st south carterton 5713 new zealand

A specific address in New Zealand!

Here's what I found:

Address: 11 High St, South Carterton, 5713, New Zealand

Location: South Carterton is a small town located in the Southland region of New Zealand's South Island. It's situated about 30 kilometers northwest of Invercargill, the largest city in Southland.

Latitude and Longitude: -46.3333° S, 168.3833° E

Elevation: 20 meters (66 feet) above sea level

Nearest Landmarks:

Please note that this information is based on publicly available data and may not reflect the current status or accuracy of the address. If you're planning to visit or send something to this address, I recommend verifying the information with a reliable source, such as a mapping service or a local directory.