106 nigerian baptist convention on new frontiers tv

You're referring to the 106th Annual Session of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, which was broadcast on New Frontiers TV!

For those who may not know, the Nigerian Baptist Convention is one of the largest Baptist denominations in Nigeria, with a rich history and a strong presence across the country. The annual session is a significant event that brings together Baptist churches, leaders, and members from all over Nigeria to worship, fellowship, and discuss important issues affecting the denomination and the wider Christian community.

New Frontiers TV is a popular Christian television network that broadcasts a range of programs, including sermons, interviews, and documentaries. They have a strong presence in Nigeria and other parts of Africa, and are known for their high-quality production and engaging content.

The 106th Annual Session of the Nigerian Baptist Convention on New Frontiers TV was likely a powerful and inspiring event that featured messages from prominent Baptist leaders, worship sessions, and discussions on key issues affecting the denomination. If you missed the broadcast, you can always check the New Frontiers TV website or social media channels for highlights and replays of the event.