101 free new escape game level 4

Here is the solution to Level 4 of the 101 Free New Escape Game:

Level 4: The Mysterious Room

You find yourself in a mysterious room with stone walls and a low ceiling. The room is dimly lit by a single torch on the wall. You see a table in the center of the room with a small, intricately carved box on it. The box has a small keyhole on the front.

Objects in the room:

  1. Table
  2. Box
  3. Torch
  4. Stone walls
  5. Low ceiling


  1. The box has a small keyhole on the front.
  2. The torch on the wall is the only source of light in the room.


  1. Examine the box carefully. You notice that the keyhole is shaped like a small, stylized "L".
  2. Look around the room for an object that matches the shape of the keyhole. You notice that the torch on the wall has a small, curved metal piece attached to it. This piece looks like it might fit into the keyhole.
  3. Take the metal piece from the torch and insert it into the keyhole. You hear a soft click, and the box opens.
  4. Inside the box, you find a small key and a note that reads: "Use the key to unlock the door to the next room."
  5. Use the key to unlock the door to the next room.

Congratulations! You have escaped Level 4!