1000 uniabuja students now hygiene water sanitation ambassadors

That's a great initiative! Here's a rewritten version with a few minor changes to make it more engaging and informative:

"UNIABUJA Empowers 1000 Students as Hygiene Water Sanitation Ambassadors

In a bid to promote good hygiene practices and ensure access to clean water and sanitation facilities, the University of Abuja (UNIABUJA) has trained and certified 1000 students as Hygiene Water Sanitation Ambassadors. This initiative aims to create a culture of cleanliness and sustainability on campus, while also educating students on the importance of proper hygiene and sanitation practices.

As ambassadors, these students will serve as role models and champions of good hygiene practices, promoting the use of handwashing facilities, proper waste disposal, and other essential habits. They will also work closely with the university's administration and other stakeholders to identify and address any sanitation-related challenges on campus.

This initiative is a significant step towards creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for students, staff, and the wider community. By empowering students to take ownership of their health and well-being, UNIABUJA is demonstrating its commitment to providing a safe and supportive learning environment for all."