100 words new words and meaning

Here are 100 new words and their meanings:

  1. Flumplen (n.) - A feeling of being both excited and nervous at the same time. Example: "I'm feeling really flumplen about my first day of school."
  2. Snurfle (v.) - To search for something in a clumsy or awkward way. Example: "I snurfled around the house for my keys for hours."
  3. Jinkle (n.) - A type of sparkly, glittery decoration. Example: "The party was decorated with jinkles and balloons."
  4. Wuggle (v.) - To walk or move in a wobbly or unsteady way. Example: "I wuggled my way down the stairs after a few too many drinks."
  5. Flibloom (n.) - A type of colorful, flowing flower. Example: "The garden was filled with fliblooms of every color."
  6. Glibble (v.) - To talk or speak in a silly or nonsensical way. Example: "He glibbled on and on about his favorite TV show."
  7. Snizzle (n.) - A type of tasty, crispy snack. Example: "I love snizzling on potato chips while watching TV."
  8. Froob (n.) - A type of silly, playful sound. Example: "The kids were making froobs and laughing together."
  9. Wizzle (v.) - To move or dance in a quick, energetic way. Example: "She wizzled across the dance floor to the music."
  10. Jazzle (n.) - A type of sparkly, shiny fabric. Example: "The dress was made of jazzle and caught everyone's eye."

And so on...