100 new words with meaning

Here are 100 new words with their meanings:

  1. Perspicacious (adjective): Having a keen understanding and insight; able to notice and understand things that are not immediately apparent.
  2. Ennui (noun): A feeling of listlessness and boredom; a lack of interest or excitement.
  3. Fastidious (adjective): Meticulous and demanding in one's standards; having a strong attention to detail.
  4. Garrulous (adjective): Talkative and loquacious; fond of talking excessively.
  5. Heterogeneous (adjective): Composed of different kinds of things; diverse in nature.
  6. Inscrutable (adjective): Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious.
  7. Jocular (adjective): Good-naturedly humorous or playful; joking.
  8. Kaleidoscopic (adjective): Constantly changing and multicolored; resembling a kaleidoscope.
  9. Lassitude (noun): A feeling of weariness or lack of energy.
  10. Mellifluous (adjective): Having a smooth and rich sound; sweet-sounding.
  11. Nebulous (adjective): Unclear or vague in meaning or form; lacking definition.
  12. Obfuscate (verb): To make something unclear or difficult to understand; to confuse.
  13. Pellucid (adjective): Clear and transparent; easy to understand.
  14. Quixotic (adjective): Extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; impractically idealistic.
  15. Reclusive (adjective): Preferring to be alone; avoiding social contact.
  16. Sagacious (adjective): Having keen discernment and good judgment; wise.
  17. Tintinnabulation (noun): A ringing or tinkling sound, especially of a bell.
  18. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present everywhere at the same time; widespread.
  19. Venerable (adjective): Showing respect and admiration; worthy of respect.
  20. Wistful (adjective): Feeling a sense of melancholy or longing; nostalgic.
  21. Xenial (adjective): Friendly and hospitable to guests or strangers.
  22. Yonder (adverb): At a distance; far away.
  23. Zephyr (noun): A gentle, mild breeze.
  24. Abstruse (adjective): Difficult to understand; obscure.
  25. Axiomatic (adjective): Self-evidently true; requiring no proof.
  26. Beguile (verb): To charm or delight; to distract or divert.
  27. Cacophony (noun): A harsh, discordant sound; a mixture of loud, unpleasant noises.
  28. Dichotomy (noun): A division or contrast between two things; a fundamental difference.
  29. Ephemeral (adjective): Lasting for a very short time; transitory.
  30. Finesse (noun): Delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill.
  31. Giggle (verb): To laugh in a silly or nervous way.
  32. Hypnotic (adjective): Having a soothing or mesmerizing effect.
  33. Inscrutable (adjective): Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious.
  34. Jocularity (noun): Good-natured humor or playfulness.
  35. Kibosh (noun): A stop or check; a prohibition.
  36. Lissome (adjective): Slender and flexible; graceful.
  37. Mirthful (adjective): Causing or characterized by joy and laughter.
  38. Nefarious (adjective): Wicked or evil; morally reprehensible.
  39. Obstinate (adjective): Refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
  40. Pernicious (adjective): Harmful or destructive; having a bad effect.
  41. Quandary (noun): A state of uncertainty or indecision.
  42. Rigmarole (noun): A complicated or bureaucratic procedure.
  43. Sesquipedalian (adjective): Using long words; given to using long words.
  44. Torsion (noun): A twisting or turning motion.
  45. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present everywhere at the same time; widespread.
  46. Vigilant (adjective): Watchful and attentive; careful.
  47. Wretched (adjective): Unhappy or miserable; pitiful.
  48. Xanthosis (noun): A yellowish discoloration of the skin.
  49. Yoke (noun): A wooden frame or bar used to join two animals together.
  50. Zymurgy (noun): The study of fermentation in brewing.
  51. Abstruse (adjective): Difficult to understand; obscure.
  52. Axiomatic (adjective): Self-evidently true; requiring no proof.
  53. Beguile (verb): To charm or delight; to distract or divert.
  54. Cacophony (noun): A harsh, discordant sound; a mixture of loud, unpleasant noises.
  55. Dichotomy (noun): A division or contrast between two things; a fundamental difference.
  56. Ephemeral (adjective): Lasting for a very short time; transitory.
  57. Finesse (noun): Delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill.
  58. Giggle (verb): To laugh in a silly or nervous way.
  59. Hypnotic (adjective): Having a soothing or mesmerizing effect.
  60. Inscrutable (adjective): Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious.
  61. Jocularity (noun): Good-natured humor or playfulness.
  62. Kibosh (noun): A stop or check; a prohibition.
  63. Lissome (adjective): Slender and flexible; graceful.
  64. Mirthful (adjective): Causing or characterized by joy and laughter.
  65. Nefarious (adjective): Wicked or evil; morally reprehensible.
  66. Obstinate (adjective): Refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
  67. Pernicious (adjective): Harmful or destructive; having a bad effect.
  68. Quandary (noun): A state of uncertainty or indecision.
  69. Rigmarole (noun): A complicated or bureaucratic procedure.
  70. Sesquipedalian (adjective): Using long words; given to using long words.
  71. Torsion (noun): A twisting or turning motion.
  72. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present everywhere at the same time; widespread.
  73. Vigilant (adjective): Watchful and attentive; careful.
  74. Wretched (adjective): Unhappy or miserable; pitiful.
  75. Xanthosis (noun): A yellowish discoloration of the skin.
  76. Yoke (noun): A wooden frame or bar used to join two animals together.
  77. Zymurgy (noun): The study of fermentation in brewing.
  78. Abstruse (adjective): Difficult to understand; obscure.
  79. Axiomatic (adjective): Self-evidently true; requiring no proof.
  80. Beguile (verb): To charm or delight; to distract or divert.
  81. Cacophony (noun): A harsh, discordant sound; a mixture of loud, unpleasant noises.
  82. Dichotomy (noun): A division or contrast between two things; a fundamental difference.
  83. Ephemeral (adjective): Lasting for a very short time; transitory.
  84. Finesse (noun): Delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill.
  85. Giggle (verb): To laugh in a silly or nervous way.
  86. Hypnotic (adjective): Having a soothing or mesmerizing effect.
  87. Inscrutable (adjective): Difficult to understand or interpret; mysterious.
  88. Jocularity (noun): Good-natured humor or playfulness.
  89. Kibosh (noun): A stop or check; a prohibition.
  90. Lissome (adjective): Slender and flexible; graceful.
  91. Mirthful (adjective): Causing or characterized by joy and laughter.
  92. Nefarious (adjective): Wicked or evil; morally reprehensible.
  93. Obstinate (adjective): Refusing to change one's opinion or course of action.
  94. Pernicious (adjective): Harmful or destructive; having a bad effect.
  95. Quandary (noun): A state of uncertainty or indecision.
  96. Rigmarole (noun): A complicated or bureaucratic procedure.
  97. Sesquipedalian (adjective): Using long words; given to using long words.
  98. Torsion (noun): A twisting or turning motion.
  99. Ubiquitous (adjective): Present everywhere at the same time; widespread.
  100. Vigilant (adjective): Watchful and attentive; careful.

Note: These words are a mix of common and uncommon words, and their meanings may vary depending on the context in which they are used.