100 new words in english and their word class

Here are 100 new words in English, along with their word class:

  1. Kintsugi (noun) - a Japanese term for the art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer
  2. Vlog (verb) - to create a video blog
  3. Sonder (noun) - the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own
  4. Gigglewater (noun) - a playful or whimsical name for a drink
  5. Fintech (noun) - financial technology
  6. Sustainable (adjective) - able to be maintained at a certain level or rate
  7. Viral (adjective) - spreading quickly and widely through the internet
  8. Echolocation (noun) - the ability to locate objects by emitting high-frequency sounds and detecting the echoes
  9. Microaggression (noun) - a comment or action that is perceived as demeaning or offensive
  10. Nostalgia (noun) - a sentimental longing for the past
  11. Binge-watch (verb) - to watch multiple episodes of a TV show in one sitting
  12. Cryptocurrency (noun) - a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security
  13. Ephemeral (adjective) - lasting for a very short time
  14. FOMO (noun) - fear of missing out
  15. GIF (noun) - a short, looping video clip
  16. Hashtag (noun) - a word or phrase preceded by the symbol #
  17. Influencer (noun) - a person who has a significant following on social media
  18. Jargon (noun) - specialized or technical language
  19. Kaleidoscope (noun) - an optical instrument that creates a colorful, symmetrical pattern
  20. Linguine (noun) - a type of pasta
  21. Meme (noun) - a humorous image, video, or piece of text that is copied and spread rapidly online
  22. Nanotechnology (noun) - the manipulation of matter on a molecular scale
  23. Oculus (noun) - a type of virtual reality headset
  24. Pandemic (noun) - a widespread outbreak of a disease
  25. Quantum (adjective) - relating to the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level
  26. Reboot (verb) - to restart a computer or system
  27. Savvy (adjective) - having or showing a quick and clever understanding
  28. Troll (noun) - a person who posts inflammatory or off-topic comments online
  29. Unicorn (noun) - a mythical horse-like creature with a single horn
  30. Voyeur (noun) - a person who secretly observes others
  31. Wanderlust (noun) - a strong desire to travel and explore
  32. Xenophobia (noun) - a fear or dislike of people from other countries
  33. Yoga (noun) - a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India
  34. Zephyr (noun) - a gentle, mild breeze
  35. Axiom (noun) - a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true
  36. Bouquet (noun) - a collection of flowers arranged for decorative purposes
  37. Cacophony (noun) - a harsh, discordant sound
  38. Dystopia (noun) - a society that is undesirable or frightening
  39. Eccentric (adjective) - unusual or unconventional in behavior or appearance
  40. Finesse (noun) - delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill
  41. Garrulous (adjective) - talkative or loquacious
  42. Heterogeneous (adjective) - composed of different kinds of things
  43. Inscrutable (adjective) - difficult to understand or interpret
  44. Jubilant (adjective) - feeling or expressing great joy or triumph
  45. Kaleidoscopic (adjective) - constantly changing and multicolored
  46. Luminescent (adjective) - giving off light
  47. Mellifluous (adjective) - having a smooth and sweet sound
  48. Nebula (noun) - a cloud of gas and dust in space
  49. Oboe (noun) - a musical instrument
  50. Paprika (noun) - a sweet or smoked powder made from bell peppers
  51. Quixotic (adjective) - extravagantly chivalrous or romantic in a way that is considered unrealistic or impractical
  52. Rhapsody (noun) - a piece of music that is expressive and emotional
  53. Sagacious (adjective) - having keen discernment, sound judgment, and farsightedness
  54. Tintinnabulation (noun) - a ringing or tinkling sound, especially of a bell
  55. Umbra (noun) - the darkest part of a shadow
  56. Vesper (noun) - a evening star
  57. Wunderkind (noun) - a child prodigy
  58. Xanthosis (noun) - a yellowish discoloration of the skin
  59. Yonder (adverb) - at a distance, either physically or metaphorically
  60. Zymurgy (noun) - the study of fermentation in brewing
  61. Ablative (adjective) - relating to the removal of something
  62. Brouhaha (noun) - a noisy and excited reaction to something
  63. Cacography (noun) - poor or ungrammatical writing or handwriting
  64. Dichotomy (noun) - a division or contrast between two things
  65. Ephemeralization (noun) - the process of making something temporary or fleeting
  66. Finesse (noun) - delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill
  67. Garrulousness (noun) - the quality of being talkative or loquacious
  68. Heteronomy (noun) - the state of being controlled or governed by external forces
  69. Inscrutability (noun) - the quality of being difficult to understand or interpret
  70. Jubilation (noun) - a feeling or expression of great joy or triumph
  71. Kibosh (noun) - a stop or check
  72. Liminal (adjective) - of or relating to a transitional phase or state
  73. Mellifluence (noun) - the quality of having a smooth and sweet sound
  74. Nebulosity (noun) - the state of being cloudy or unclear
  75. Oculus (noun) - a type of virtual reality headset
  76. Papillon (noun) - a type of butterfly
  77. Quandary (noun) - a state of uncertainty or indecision
  78. Rigmarole (noun) - a complicated or bureaucratic procedure
  79. Sagaciousness (noun) - the quality of being wise and discerning
  80. Tintinnabulation (noun) - a ringing or tinkling sound, especially of a bell
  81. Umbra (noun) - the darkest part of a shadow
  82. Vesper (noun) - a evening star
  83. Wunderkind (noun) - a child prodigy
  84. Xanthosis (noun) - a yellowish discoloration of the skin
  85. Yonder (adverb) - at a distance, either physically or metaphorically
  86. Zymurgy (noun) - the study of fermentation in brewing
  87. Axiomatic (adjective) - self-evident or unquestionable
  88. Bouquet (noun) - a collection of flowers arranged for decorative purposes
  89. Cacophony (noun) - a harsh, discordant sound
  90. Dystopian (adjective) - relating to a society that is undesirable or frightening
  91. Eccentricity (noun) - the quality of being unusual or unconventional
  92. Finesse (noun) - delicacy and subtlety of performance or skill
  93. Garrulousness (noun) - the quality of being talkative or loquacious
  94. Heterogeneous (adjective) - composed of different kinds of things
  95. Inscrutable (adjective) - difficult to understand or interpret
  96. Jubilant (adjective) - feeling or expressing great joy or triumph
  97. Kaleidoscopic (adjective) - constantly changing and multicolored
  98. Luminescent (adjective) - giving off light
  99. Mellifluous (adjective) - having a smooth and sweet sound
  100. Nebula (noun) - a cloud of gas and dust in space

Note: The word classes are: