100 new words added to the dictionary 2019

According to Merriam-Webster, the following 100 words were added to the dictionary in 2019:

  1. Yaaas (interjection) - used to express strong agreement or enthusiasm
  2. Famished (adjective) - extremely hungry
  3. Gaslighting (noun) - the act of manipulating someone into doubting their own perceptions or memories
  4. Infodemic (noun) - a situation in which there is a large amount of conflicting or unreliable information available
  5. JOMO (noun) - the joy of missing out
  6. Kombucha (noun) - a fermented tea drink
  7. Lowkey (adverb) - secretly or quietly
  8. Manspreading (noun) - the act of a man sitting with his legs spread wide, taking up more space than necessary
  9. Microaggression (noun) - a comment or action that is perceived as demeaning or offensive, often unintentionally
  10. Niche (noun) - a specialized or specific area of interest
  11. Overtourism (noun) - the negative impacts of large numbers of tourists on a destination
  12. Pizzagate (noun) - a conspiracy theory surrounding a false claim about a pizza restaurant
  13. QAnon (noun) - a conspiracy theory surrounding a supposed secret society
  14. Ransomware (noun) - a type of malware that demands payment in exchange for restoring access to data
  15. Slay (verb) - to excel or dominate at something
  16. Twerk (verb) - to dance by shaking one's hips and buttocks
  17. Ugh (interjection) - an expression of disgust or annoyance
  18. Vape (verb) - to inhale and exhale the vapor of an electronic cigarette
  19. Woke (adjective) - aware of and actively anti-racist or anti-oppressive
  20. Xanax (noun) - a brand of benzodiazepine medication
  21. Yikes (interjection) - an expression of surprise or alarm
  22. Zinger (noun) - a witty or sarcastic remark
  23. Ableism (noun) - discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities
  24. Algorithmic bias (noun) - bias in an algorithm or computer program
  25. Alt-right (noun) - a political movement that is associated with white nationalism
  26. Amok (verb) - to run wildly or erratically
  27. Anxious (adjective) - feeling anxious or worried
  28. Aperitif (noun) - a drink served before a meal
  29. Aromantic (adjective) - lacking romantic feelings or attraction
  30. Asana (noun) - a yoga pose
  31. Asperger's (noun) - a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication
  32. Astrology (noun) - the study of the positions and movements of celestial bodies and their supposed influence on human affairs
  33. Augmented reality (noun) - a technology that superimposes digital information onto the real world
  34. Bae (noun) - before anyone else, a term of endearment
  35. Binge-watch (verb) - to watch multiple episodes of a television show in rapid succession
  36. Biobank (noun) - a collection of biological samples, such as blood or tissue, for research purposes
  37. Blockchain (noun) - a decentralized, digital ledger technology
  38. Botnet (noun) - a network of compromised computers that can be controlled remotely
  39. Bump (verb) - to increase or boost something, such as a signal or a quantity
  40. Burnout (noun) - physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress
  41. Cacophony (noun) - a harsh, discordant sound
  42. Carbon footprint (noun) - the amount of greenhouse gases produced by an individual, organization, or activity
  43. Cathode (noun) - the negatively charged electrode in an electrochemical cell
  44. Cheeto (noun) - a type of cheese puff snack
  45. Chill (verb) - to relax or calm down
  46. Clickbait (noun) - a headline or title that is designed to attract attention by being sensational or misleading
  47. Climate change denial (noun) - the rejection of the scientific consensus on climate change
  48. Cognitive bias (noun) - a systematic error in thinking or judgment
  49. Cryptozoology (noun) - the study of hidden or unknown animals
  50. Cyberbullying (noun) - the use of technology to harass or intimidate someone
  51. Dark academia (noun) - a subculture that celebrates the darker aspects of academic life
  52. Data breach (noun) - the unauthorized access or disclosure of sensitive information
  53. Daygame (noun) - a type of pickup or flirting that occurs during the day
  54. Debrief (verb) - to discuss and analyze an event or experience
  55. Deepfake (noun) - a type of manipulated media that uses artificial intelligence to create realistic but false content
  56. Demi-god (noun) - a person who is considered to be of divine or semi-divine status
  57. Denial (noun) - the act of refusing to accept or acknowledge something
  58. Digital detox (noun) - a period of time spent without using digital devices
  59. Disinformation (noun) - false or misleading information that is spread intentionally
  60. Drip (verb) - to flow or seep slowly
  61. E-book (noun) - an electronic book
  62. E-scooter (noun) - a type of electric-powered scooter
  63. Emoji (noun) - a small digital image or icon used to express an emotion or idea
  64. Endgame (noun) - the final stage or outcome of a process or situation
  65. Epigenetics (noun) - the study of changes in gene expression that do not involve changes to the DNA sequence
  66. Euphemism (noun) - a mild or indirect word or phrase used to avoid offense or unpleasantness
  67. Fake news (noun) - false or misleading information presented as news
  68. FOMO (noun) - fear of missing out
  69. Frenemy (noun) - a friend who is also a rival or enemy
  70. Gamification (noun) - the use of game design elements in non-game contexts
  71. Gaslighting (noun) - the act of manipulating someone into doubting their own perceptions or memories
  72. Gig economy (noun) - a labor market characterized by short-term, flexible, and often freelance work
  73. Gluten-free (adjective) - containing no gluten, a type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye
  74. Hashtag (noun) - a word or phrase preceded by the symbol #, used to identify a topic or trend on social media
  75. Heteronormativity (noun) - the assumption that heterosexuality is the norm or default
  76. Heterosexual (adjective) - having a sexual orientation towards people of a different gender
  77. Hijabi (adjective) - a Muslim woman who wears a hijab, a headscarf
  78. Homophobe (noun) - a person who has a strong dislike or prejudice against people who are gay or lesbian
  79. Homophobia (noun) - a fear or dislike of people who are gay or lesbian
  80. Hyperbole (noun) - an exaggeration used for emphasis or effect
  81. Infodemic (noun) - a situation in which there is a large amount of conflicting or unreliable information available
  82. Influenza (noun) - a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus
  83. Instagram (noun) - a social media platform
  84. Intergenerational trauma (noun) - the emotional and psychological impact of traumatic events on multiple generations
  85. Intersectionality (noun) - the interconnected nature of social categories such as race, gender, and class
  86. Jargon (noun) - specialized or technical language used by a particular group or profession
  87. Kintsugi (noun) - the art of repairing broken pottery with gold or silver lacquer
  88. Kombucha (noun) - a fermented tea drink
  89. Lactose intolerance (noun) - the inability to digest lactose, a sugar found in milk
  90. LGBTQ+ (noun) - an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and other sexual and gender minorities
  91. Lowkey (adverb) - secretly or quietly
  92. Manspreading (noun) - the act of a man sitting with his legs spread wide, taking up more space than necessary
  93. Microaggression (noun) - a comment or action that is perceived as demeaning or offensive, often unintentionally
  94. Microbiome (noun) - the collection of microorganisms that live within or on an organism
  95. Misogyny (noun) - a hatred or dislike of women
  96. Monetize (verb) - to make money from something, such as a website or social media account
  97. Niche (noun) - a specialized or specific area of interest
  98. Overtourism (noun) - the negative impacts of large numbers of tourists on a destination
  99. Pizzagate (noun) - a conspiracy theory surrounding a false claim about a pizza restaurant
  100. QAnon (noun) - a conspiracy theory surrounding a supposed secret society