10 new inventions and their inventors

Here are 10 new inventions and their inventors:

  1. Invention: Smart Contact Lenses Inventor: Brian Otis and Babak Parviz, University of Washington Description: Smart contact lenses that can monitor glucose levels, track eye health, and even project virtual information onto the wearer's field of vision.
  2. Invention: Foldable Smartphone Inventor: Royole Corporation, led by Dr. Yang Yang Description: A foldable smartphone with a flexible OLED display that can be folded and unfolded like a book.
  3. Invention: Personal Air Purifier Inventor: Dr. David Edwards, MIT Description: A wearable air purifier that can remove pollutants and allergens from the air around the wearer, improving indoor air quality.
  4. Invention: 3D-Printed Prosthetic Limbs Inventor: Dr. Hugh Herr, MIT Description: 3D-printed prosthetic limbs that can be customized to fit each individual's needs and can be controlled by the user's thoughts.
  5. Invention: Solar Windows Inventor: Dr. Tonio Buonassisi, MIT Description: Solar windows that can generate electricity while still allowing light to pass through, making them suitable for use in buildings.
  6. Invention: Robotic Exoskeleton Inventor: Dr. Homayoon Kazerooni, University of California, Berkeley Description: A robotic exoskeleton that can help people with paralysis or other mobility impairments walk again.
  7. Invention: Water-Repellent Fabric Inventor: Dr. Zhenan Bao, Stanford University Description: A water-repellent fabric that can be used to create clothing and textiles that are resistant to water and stains.
  8. Invention: Artificial Pancreas Inventor: Dr. Steven Russell, Massachusetts General Hospital Description: An artificial pancreas that can automatically regulate blood sugar levels in people with type 1 diabetes.
  9. Invention: Shape-Memory Alloys Inventor: Dr. William F. Smith, University of California, Los Angeles Description: Shape-memory alloys that can change shape in response to temperature changes, with potential applications in medical devices and aerospace engineering.
  10. Invention: Biodegradable Electronics Inventor: Dr. Zhenan Bao, Stanford University Description: Biodegradable electronics that can be used to create implantable devices that can dissolve and be absorbed by the body, reducing the risk of complications and improving patient safety.

Note: The inventors listed are the primary researchers or teams behind each invention, but may not be the sole inventors or owners of the intellectual property.