10 new discoveries in the world

Here are 10 new discoveries in various fields that have been made in recent years:

  1. Water on Mars: NASA's Mars 2020 rover discovered evidence of seasonal water on Mars in 2020. The rover found sedimentary rocks that contain minerals that are formed in the presence of water.

Source: NASA

  1. Oldest known animal fossil: In 2020, scientists discovered the oldest known animal fossil, a 558-million-year-old fossil of a worm-like creature called Dickinsonia. The fossil was found in Russia and provides insights into the evolution of animal life on Earth.

Source: Science Magazine

  1. New human organ: In 2019, scientists discovered a new human organ, the interstitium, which is a network of fluid-filled spaces in the body that was previously unknown. The discovery was made using advanced imaging techniques.

Source: The New York Times

  1. Gravitational waves from a black hole merger: In 2019, scientists detected gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes, providing new insights into the behavior of these cosmic phenomena.

Source: NASA

  1. Ancient human DNA in Siberian cave: In 2020, scientists discovered ancient human DNA in a Siberian cave, which provides new insights into the migration patterns of early humans.

Source: Science Magazine

  1. New species of ancient human: In 2019, scientists discovered a new species of ancient human, Homo luzonensis, which was found in the Philippines. The species is believed to have lived on the island of Luzon at least 50,000 years ago.

Source: The New York Times

  1. Exoplanet with conditions similar to Earth: In 2020, scientists discovered an exoplanet that has conditions similar to those of Earth, including a rocky surface and a stable climate. The exoplanet, called K2-18b, is located about 111 light-years from Earth.

Source: NASA

  1. New species of giant squid: In 2020, scientists discovered a new species of giant squid, which was found in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. The species, called Architeuthis physeteris, is the largest invertebrate on Earth.

Source: National Geographic

  1. Ancient city discovered in Jordan: In 2020, archaeologists discovered an ancient city in Jordan that dates back to the 6th century BC. The city, called Umm el-Jimal, is believed to have been an important center of trade and commerce.

Source: The New York Times

  1. New species of ancient fish: In 2020, scientists discovered a new species of ancient fish, which was found in a fossilized state in the Canadian Arctic. The species, called Elpistostege watsoni, is believed to have lived during the Devonian period, about 380 million years ago.

Source: Science Magazine