10 new dicoveries in the world

Here are 10 new discoveries in the world, across various fields:

  1. Water on Mars: NASA's Perseverance rover discovered evidence of seasonal water on Mars in 2020. The rover found sedimentary rocks that contain minerals that form in the presence of water.
  2. Oldest Known Animal Fossil: In 2020, scientists discovered the oldest known animal fossil, a 558-million-year-old fossil of a worm-like creature called Dickinsonia. The fossil was found in Russia and provides insights into the evolution of animal life on Earth.
  3. New Human Organ: In 2019, scientists discovered a new human organ, the interstitium, which is a network of fluid-filled spaces in the body that was previously unknown. The discovery was made using advanced imaging techniques.
  4. Gravitational Waves from Neutron Star Merger: In 2017, scientists detected gravitational waves from the merger of two neutron stars, providing new insights into the behavior of matter in extreme conditions.
  5. Ancient City in Jordan: In 2016, archaeologists discovered an ancient city in Jordan, dating back to the 6th century BC. The city, called Umm el-Jimal, was once a major center of trade and commerce.
  6. New Species of Human: In 2010, scientists discovered a new species of human, Homo naledi, in South Africa. The species is thought to have lived between 236,000 and 335,000 years ago.
  7. Exoplanet with Conditions Similar to Earth: In 2019, scientists discovered an exoplanet, called K2-18b, that orbits a small, cool star and has conditions similar to those of Earth. The planet is thought to be a potential candidate for hosting life.
  8. Ancient DNA from Siberian Ice: In 2019, scientists extracted ancient DNA from the Siberian permafrost, dating back to the last ice age. The DNA provides insights into the evolution of humans and other species in the region.
  9. New Form of Water: In 2019, scientists discovered a new form of water, called "superionic water," which is a liquid that can conduct electricity like a metal. The discovery has potential applications in fields such as energy storage and electronics.
  10. Microplastics in the Deep Sea: In 2020, scientists discovered microplastics in the deep sea, including in the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. The discovery highlights the global impact of plastic pollution on the environment.

These are just a few examples of the many new discoveries being made in various fields around the world.