10 more news income

Here are 10 more news articles related to income:

  1. "Average US Household Income Hits Record High in 2022" - According to data from the US Census Bureau, the median household income in the United States reached a record high of $67,149 in 2022, surpassing the previous record set in 2019. (Source: CNBC)
  2. "Remote Work Boosts Income for Many Americans" - A new study by Gallup found that 43% of remote workers reported an increase in their income since switching to remote work, while only 15% reported a decrease. (Source: Forbes)
  3. "Gig Economy Workers See Income Rise 15% in 2022" - According to a report by Intuit, the average income for gig economy workers in the United States rose 15% in 2022, driven by increased demand for services like ride-hailing and food delivery. (Source: Bloomberg)
  4. "Women's Income Grows Faster Than Men's in 2022" - According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, women's median earnings grew 4.3% in 2022, outpacing the 3.4% growth rate for men. (Source: The New York Times)
  5. "Self-Employed Individuals See Income Rise 20% in 2022" - A report by the Small Business Administration found that self-employed individuals in the United States saw their income rise 20% in 2022, driven by increased demand for services like consulting and freelancing. (Source: Entrepreneur)
  6. "Millennials See Income Rise 12% in 2022" - According to a report by the Pew Research Center, millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) saw their median income rise 12% in 2022, driven by increased employment and higher wages. (Source: Pew Research Center)
  7. "Income Inequality Narrows in 2022" - According to data from the US Census Bureau, the gap between the richest and poorest Americans narrowed in 2022, with the top 10% of earners seeing their share of the national income decline slightly. (Source: The Washington Post)
  8. "Freelance Writers See Income Rise 25% in 2022" - According to a report by the Freelancers Union, freelance writers in the United States saw their income rise 25% in 2022, driven by increased demand for content creation and digital media. (Source: Fast Company)
  9. "Small Business Owners See Income Rise 18% in 2022" - According to a report by the National Federation of Independent Business, small business owners in the United States saw their income rise 18% in 2022, driven by increased sales and profits. (Source: CNBC)
  10. "Income Growth Slows in 2022, But Remains Strong" - According to data from the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, income growth in the United States slowed in 2022, but remained strong, with the personal savings rate reaching a record high. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)