10 escape death in ondo auto crash the eagle online

I'm glad to hear that 10 people escaped death in an auto crash in Ondo State. Here's a summary of the incident:

Title: 10 Escape Death in Ondo Auto Crash

Source: The Eagle Online

Summary: A ghastly auto crash occurred on Saturday in Ondo State, Nigeria, leaving 10 people injured but miraculously escaping death. The accident involved a commercial bus and a truck on the Akure-Ondo highway.

Details: According to eyewitnesses, the bus was traveling from Akure to Ondo when it suddenly veered off the road and collided with the truck. The impact was severe, causing the bus to overturn and leaving several passengers injured.

Rescue Efforts: Emergency responders, including the Ondo State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) and the Nigeria Police Force, rushed to the scene to rescue the injured passengers. They were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment.

Miraculous Escape: Despite the severity of the crash, all 10 injured passengers managed to escape death, with some suffering minor injuries while others were more seriously hurt.

Investigation: The cause of the accident is still unknown, and an investigation is ongoing to determine the circumstances surrounding the crash.

Conclusion: This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of road safety and the need for drivers to exercise caution while on the road. We are grateful that the passengers escaped death and wish them a speedy recovery.

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