10 elements of news

The 5 Ws and 1 H! Here are the 10 elements of news:

  1. Who: The people involved in the story (e.g. names, titles, roles)
  2. What: The main event or action described in the story
  3. When: The time and date of the event or action
  4. Where: The location(s) where the event or action took place
  5. Why: The reason or motivation behind the event or action
  6. How: The method or means by which the event or action occurred
  7. How many: The number of people, things, or amounts involved in the story
  8. What happened: A brief summary of the main event or action
  9. What's next: Any future developments or consequences of the event or action
  10. How it affects: The impact or significance of the event or action on people, organizations, or society

These 10 elements help journalists and writers to gather and present information in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for readers to understand the story.