10 different definition of news

Here are 10 different definitions of "news":

  1. Information about current events: News refers to reports of recent events, developments, or issues that are of public interest or concern. (Source: Oxford English Dictionary)
  2. Information that is new and significant: News is information that is new, significant, and relevant to a particular audience or community. (Source: Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
  3. Reports of events that have happened: News is the reporting of events that have already occurred, such as accidents, crimes, or natural disasters. (Source: Cambridge Dictionary)
  4. Information that is timely and relevant: News is information that is timely, relevant, and of interest to a particular audience or community. (Source: Journalism.org)
  5. The dissemination of information: News is the process of gathering, processing, and disseminating information to the public. (Source: Encyclopedia Britannica)
  6. Information that is newsworthy: News is information that is considered newsworthy, meaning it is significant, unusual, or of public interest. (Source: The New York Times)
  7. Reports of events that are of public interest: News is the reporting of events that are of public interest, such as politics, sports, or entertainment. (Source: BBC News)
  8. Information that is timely and accurate: News is information that is timely, accurate, and reliable, and is intended to inform or educate the public. (Source: The Guardian)
  9. The reporting of events that are significant to a particular audience: News is the reporting of events that are significant to a particular audience or community, such as local news or industry news. (Source: The Wall Street Journal)
  10. Information that is relevant and interesting to a particular audience: News is information that is relevant and interesting to a particular audience or community, and is intended to engage and inform them. (Source: The Washington Post)

These definitions highlight the various aspects of news, including its purpose, scope, and characteristics.