10 commandments new testament

While the Old Testament contains the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21), the New Testament does not provide a new set of 10 commandments. However, Jesus and the apostles did teach and emphasize certain principles and commandments that are considered essential for Christian living.

Here are some key teachings and commandments found in the New Testament:

  1. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30, Matthew 22:37-38, Deuteronomy 6:5): This is a summary of the greatest commandment, which is to love God with all one's being.
  2. Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31, Matthew 22:39, Leviticus 19:18): This commandment is a summary of the second greatest commandment, which is to love one's neighbor as oneself.
  3. Follow Jesus' teachings (Matthew 28:18-20, John 14:15, 15:10): Jesus taught his followers to obey his commands, which include loving one another, forgiving others, and serving others.
  4. Repent and believe in Jesus (Mark 1:15, Luke 24:47, Acts 2:38): This commandment is to turn away from sin and trust in Jesus as the Savior and Lord.
  5. Be baptized (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4): Baptism is a symbol of one's faith in Jesus and is a commandment for all believers.
  6. Live a life of obedience to God (John 14:15, 15:10, 1 John 2:3-6): Christians are called to live a life of obedience to God's commands and to follow Jesus' teachings.
  7. Forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15, Mark 11:25, Ephesians 4:32): Forgiveness is a key commandment in the New Testament, as it is essential for maintaining healthy relationships with others and with God.
  8. Serve others (Mark 10:42-45, Galatians 5:13, 1 Peter 4:10): Christians are called to serve others and to use their gifts and talents to benefit others.
  9. Be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16, Hebrews 12:14, Leviticus 11:44-45): Christians are called to be holy, which means to be set apart for God and to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
  10. Love one another (John 13:34-35, 15:12, 1 John 3:11-24): This commandment is to love one another as Jesus loved us, which means to love with a selfless and sacrificial love.

These commandments are not a replacement for the Old Testament 10 Commandments, but rather a summary of the key teachings and principles that are essential for Christian living.