1 john 3 8 good news

A great choice!

1 John 3:8 says:

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love."

This verse is a powerful declaration of the nature of God and the importance of love in our relationship with Him. It's a reminder that God is not just a distant, abstract concept, but a loving, personal God who desires a deep and intimate relationship with each of us.

In this verse, John is emphasizing that love is not just a feeling or an emotion, but a fundamental aspect of God's character. He is love, and His love is the foundation of our salvation and the motivation for our actions.

This verse is also a call to action, encouraging us to examine our own hearts and lives to see if we are demonstrating love to others. Are we showing kindness, compassion, and generosity to those around us? Or are we holding onto grudges, harboring bitterness, and prioritizing our own interests?

John's words are a reminder that our love for others is a reflection of our love for God, and that our love for God is the source of our love for others. May we strive to embody the love of God in our daily lives, and may we be known as people who love with the same love that God has shown us.