1 https www.who.int en news room fact sheets detail lassa fever

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on Lassa fever, here are some key points:

What is Lassa fever?

Lassa fever is a viral hemorrhagic fever caused by the Lassa virus, which is transmitted to humans through contact with infected rodents, particularly the multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis).


The symptoms of Lassa fever can range from mild to severe and may include:


Lassa fever is transmitted to humans through:

Risk factors

The risk of contracting Lassa fever is higher in:

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis is typically made through laboratory tests, such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Treatment is primarily supportive, including:


Prevention measures include:


There is no licensed vaccine against Lassa fever, but several vaccines are being developed and tested.

Global response

The WHO and other international organizations are working to:


Please note that this summary is based on the WHO fact sheet and may not include all the latest information or updates.