021000021 new york

It looks like you've provided a phone number and a city!

The phone number 021000021 appears to be a valid phone number, but I'm not sure what the significance of the "021" prefix is. In the United States, phone numbers typically start with a three-digit area code, followed by a three-digit exchange code, and then a four-digit line number. So, the "021" prefix might be an international prefix or a specific code used by a particular carrier or service provider.

As for the city, "New York" is a very large and populous city located in the state of New York, on the East Coast of the United States. It's a global hub for finance, media, art, fashion, and entertainment, among many other things!

If you're looking for more information about New York City or the phone number, please let me know what you're looking for and I'll do my best to help!