$oauth new oauth

It looks like you're trying to create a new OAuth client!

To create a new OAuth client, you'll need to provide some information. Please follow these steps:

  1. Client Type: Choose the type of client you want to create:
    • Web Application: For a web application that will be hosted on a server.
    • Confidential Client: For a client that will be running on a server and will have a secret key.
    • Public Client: For a client that will be running on a user's device and will not have a secret key.
  2. Authorization URL: Enter the URL that the user will be redirected to after authorization.
  3. Token URL: Enter the URL that will be used to obtain an access token.
  4. Redirect URI: Enter the URL that the user will be redirected to after authorization (only required for Web Applications).
  5. Client ID: Enter a unique identifier for your client (optional, but recommended).
  6. Client Secret: Enter a secret key for your client (only required for Confidential Clients).

Once you've filled in the required information, you can create your OAuth client!

Here's an example of what the output might look like:

$ oauth new oauth
Client Type: Web Application
Authorization URL: https://example.com/authorize
Token URL: https://example.com/token
Redirect URI: https://example.com/callback
Client ID: my-client-id
Client Secret: my-client-secret

Created new OAuth client:
  Client ID: my-client-id
  Client Secret: my-client-secret
  Authorization URL: https://example.com/authorize
  Token URL: https://example.com/token
  Redirect URI: https://example.com/callback

Note that the actual output may vary depending on the OAuth implementation you're using.