Level 3 housemates gossiping doyin chichi eloswag bbnaija s7

The drama and gossip among the Level 3 housemates in Big Brother Naija Season 7! Let's dive into the juicy details about Doyn, Chichi, and Eloswag's conversations.

Doyn and Chichi's Conversation

Doyn and Chichi were chatting about their fellow housemates, and Doyn mentioned that she thinks Eloswag is trying to play both sides. Chichi agreed, saying that Eloswag is a master manipulator and can be very convincing. They both expressed their concerns that Eloswag might be using his charm to get ahead in the game.

Doyn also shared that she's noticed Eloswag being very friendly with some of the other housemates, especially Phyna, and that it's making her feel a bit uneasy. Chichi nodded in agreement, saying that she's also noticed Eloswag's behavior and is keeping a close eye on him.

Eloswag's Response

Eloswag overheard the conversation and decided to address the concerns. He told the housemates that he's just being friendly and trying to build relationships with everyone. He emphasized that he's not trying to play both sides and that his intentions are pure.

However, Doyn and Chichi weren't entirely convinced. They asked Eloswag if he's aware of how his actions might be perceived, and he acknowledged that he might have misread the situation. Eloswag promised to be more mindful of his behavior and to communicate better with the housemates.

The Gossip Continues

After the conversation, the gossip continued to spread throughout the house. Some housemates sided with Doyn and Chichi, while others defended Eloswag. The drama and tension in the house are palpable, and it's anyone's guess what will happen next.

Will Eloswag be able to regain the trust of his fellow housemates, or will the gossip and drama continue to escalate? Only time will tell!