New resume format

Here are some modern and effective resume formats that you can use as a template:

1. Reverse Chronological Format


John Doe Software Engineer

2. Functional Format


John Doe Software Engineer

Summary: Highly skilled software engineer with expertise in Java, Python, and database design. Proficient in Agile development methodologies and experienced in leading cross-functional teams.


3. Combination Format


John Doe Software Engineer

Summary: Highly skilled software engineer with expertise in Java, Python, and database design. Proficient in Agile development methodologies and experienced in leading cross-functional teams.

Work Experience:

4. Hybrid Format


John Doe Software Engineer

Summary: Highly skilled software engineer with expertise in Java, Python, and database design. Proficient in Agile development methodologies and experienced in leading cross-functional teams.


Work Experience:

Remember to tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for and highlight your most relevant skills and qualifications.