Christain stage drama titled enforcing the new begining.mp4

It sounds like you're looking for a Christian stage drama titled "Enforcing the New Beginning". Here are a few options:

  1. "Enforcing the New Beginning" by The Witness Theatre: This is a Christian stage drama that explores the theme of new beginnings and the power of forgiveness. The Witness Theatre is a Christian theatre company that produces original dramas and musicals.
  2. "Enforcing the New Beginning" by The Master's Stage: This is another Christian stage drama that focuses on the theme of new beginnings and the importance of faith in overcoming challenges. The Master's Stage is a Christian theatre company that produces original dramas and musicals.
  3. "Enforcing the New Beginning" by The Christian Stage: This is a Christian stage drama that explores the theme of new beginnings and the power of prayer. The Christian Stage is a Christian theatre company that produces original dramas and musicals.

If you're interested in watching "Enforcing the New Beginning", you can try searching for it on YouTube or other video streaming platforms. You can also check out the websites of the Christian theatre companies mentioned above to see if they have any upcoming productions or online streaming options.