Buhari seeks passage of 6 aviation bills by senate

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President Buhari Seeks Passage of 6 Aviation Bills by Senate

President Muhammadu Buhari has written to the Senate, seeking the passage of six aviation bills aimed at improving the sector's regulatory framework and enhancing safety standards. The bills, which were transmitted to the Senate in 2019, are:

  1. The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  2. The Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  3. The Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  4. The Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  5. The Aviation Security (Amendment) Bill, 2019
  6. The Aircraft (Amendment) Bill, 2019

The President's letter, dated March 16, 2023, was read on the floor of the Senate by the President of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan. The bills are expected to address various issues in the aviation sector, including the regulation of air transport, airport management, and aviation security.

The passage of these bills is seen as crucial to improving the safety and efficiency of Nigeria's aviation sector, which has faced several challenges in recent years, including air traffic congestion, inadequate infrastructure, and security concerns.

The Senate has been urged to expedite the passage of the bills to enable the President to sign them into law, thereby enhancing the overall development of the aviation sector in Nigeria.